September 30, 2023

What to Expect From a House Inspection

house inspections

House inspections are a crucial part of a home purchase. They give buyers a professional opinion on the house and its condition, as well as helping to plan for future repairs and maintenance. However, a house inspector will not be able to inspect every nook and cranny, so there is always a chance that problems exist that aren’t immediately apparent. Go Here

A few examples of what an inspector will look for are:

Interior rooms – inspectors will look for leaning walls that indicate faulty framing; stained ceilings that point to water problems; insufficient heating vents that make the room cold and drafty; and improper insulation that increases energy costs. The inspector will also check that kitchen exhaust fans vent to the outside, that dishwashers drain properly, and that electrical outlets within six feet of a sink have ground-fault circuit interrupter protection. Inspectors will also examine windows and doors to ensure that they open and close, and that frames are intact without rot or damage, and caulking is in good shape.

The Home Inspection Checklist: What to Expect During the Process

Inspectors will also inspect the foundation, including a walk around to check for cracks and sloping. They will also check to see that the basement is waterproofed, and that there is an adequate clearance between the siding and soil, to avoid moisture damage. They will also examine the crawl space, checking for moisture and pests. Finally, they will examine the fireplace and wood stove for proper installation, and check that carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors are present.