How Much Do Home Inspections Cost?

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How much does home inspection cost? Whether you’re buying a new home or an older one, it’s essential to have a professional home inspector perform a full inspection of the property. This will help you avoid costly repairs down the road and save you from regretting your purchase later.

How much does a home inspection cost in CA?

A home inspection is a critical part of the real estate buying process because it helps you assess the condition of the home and make an informed decision on whether to buy. It’s also an important step in determining your long-term mortgage costs, as it can reveal problems with the roof or foundation that might not be obvious at first glance.

How Long Does a Home Inspection Last?

A typical home inspection lasts between two and four hours, depending on the size of the house and the experience of the inspector. However, if there’s a lot of work to do on the home (like more bathrooms or heating systems), it can take longer for an inspector to check them all out.

The Most Common Problems That a Home Inspection Finds

A home inspection uncovers problems with the foundation, electrical, plumbing and more that could cause issues down the line. These are some of the biggest concerns a home inspector will uncover, as they can be expensive to repair and potentially life-threatening if ignored. In addition, some inspections will also uncover mold and radon concerns that can be difficult to spot without a professional.

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